Head of StealthOps for the Kaldex Assembly, she pursues her goals with ruthless contempt for conventional ethics. She also campaigns to obtain civil and legal equity for the symbiotes. In between assimilations, she lives in a fluid-filled tank, with a biomechanoid brain at its center as a substitute “host.”

Through her intergalactic intelligence network, she learns of the ANN Commission’s plot to seize control of Bledraun’s mining system.

Due to a sudden shortage of essential rare minerals, Bledraun’s rich motherlode of these elements has become a valuable prize. To achieve its aims, the ANN Commission has designed a weapon that can incapacitate the entire Dralein population. Warvhex was on the verge of stealing the prototype for that weapon, when it fell into the hands of a mobster.

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Published by Chickadee Prince Books. Probability Shadow is available now at Amazon and a bookstore near you.