Ungent Draaf’s unlikely student, Shol, is a Krezovic, a genomically remapped subspecies of humanity. The Krezovics were created by a human geneticist in the early days of human deep space travel, to be resistant to radiation and pressure. Once highly prized, they were later reviled as "mutants" when technological advances rendered them obsolete. To ease their oppression, the Krezovics founded their own colony on Tar-Igard, where Shol's home province of Thrulyntin was one of the first to be staked out. To cut themselves off even further from the humans, the Krezovics also developed their own language.

Shol's skin has a greenish cast and his angular skull is punctuated by soft black eyes that belie the rough cut of his stolen leather jacket. A former street denizen, his routine errands for a ruthless mobster eventually trapped him in a web of political intrigue. After unwittingly delivering the ANN Commission’s prototype for a deadly weapon, Shol faced jail time.

At the urging of the Kaldex Assembly, he’s released to the custody of Drashna, Bledraun’s head of state. Drashna’s assignment is to coax information out of Shol. But when the boy won’t cooperate, Drashna asks Ungent¬ to “tame” him.

Despite his tough-guy exterior, Shol is shy, eager to learn and in awe of Ungent’s wise words.

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Published by Chickadee Prince Books. Probability Shadow is available now at Amazon and a bookstore near you.