Assigned to the Terran Protectorate system-class ship Sweet Chariot, she is second in command to Harlan Mars. Tall, trim and fit, she was born into an upper middle class family on Reagan 3, the seat of Terran Protectorate Admin. Because many of her close relatives hold positions in interstellar government, she is fluent in the dialects of authority.

Gillian traces her ancestry to an old Earth region once designated “Great Britain,” for reasons known only to a handful of historians. Extremely efficient, she does everything “by the book,” no exceptions, barring extraordinary circumstances. She also has a firm command of standard military tactics and strategy. A superb manager, Gillian knows how to keep crew morale high at all times, while maintaining strict military discipline.

Inside the Terran Protectorate
Meet the fleet officers, administration and artificial intelligences who help shape the action in Probability Shadow:

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